While life has its up and downs, such as when coping with divorce, it’s our attitude that allows us to see the sunny side of things. Choosing positivity means that you won’t only feel happier, but you may even live a healthier life as well. Here are a few ways you can choose happiness and make positive changes today.
Form A Mental Picture
One way to think positively is to use your imagination. Imagine what it will look like when you achieve your goals. Forming a mental picture can help you to see your goal as a realistic achievement, making you more likely to work toward making it a reality.
2. Set Clear Goals
Once you have a mental picture of the goal you want to achieve, set clear goals to help you reach that goal. Make a timeline for how long it will take to reach smaller goals that build up to your larger goal.
3. Take Ownership Of Your Life
It’s easy to blame others for negative occurrences in your life. Instead, choose to take responsibility. Whether it’s your health, a relationship, or your job, it’s your duty to make the necessary changes to improve your life.
4. Believe In Yourself
At the start of each day, we have the decision to be our own worst enemy or to be a self-motivator. Choose the latter. Make the choice to say, “I’m going to have a great day today.” When things take a turn for the worst, see it as a learning lesson, and move forward.
5. Surround Yourself With Positive People
Think about the kind of people you surround yourself with on a daily-basis. While we can’t choose all the people we encounter on a daily basis, we do have the choice as to whom we let into our close inner circle. Choose optimistic people that help you reach your goals.
6. Count Your Blessings
One way to count your blessings is to keep a gratitude journal. Write a daily list of what you are thankful for. Looking back on items you listed can help you to see all the good in your life.
7. Do Things That Make You Happy
Make the time to do things that make you happy. Even when your schedule is packed, take the time to go for a walk, watch a comedy, or have coffee with a friend.
Coping with divorce and other setbacks may be challenging, but keeping a positive attitude can make all the difference.
If you are contemplating divorce, or struggling with a high-conflict divorce procedure, let Tamara Harris, CEO of Tamara Harris LLC, be your partner as you navigate through each stage of your journey. As an impartial, experienced professional, Tamara will work directly with you to give you the best tools and strategies to manage the specific challenges and uncertainties of divorce. Serving as your Divorce Coach and advocate, she will help you see clearly during this time where emotions can often impede and derail your divorce procedure. While each member of your high-conflict divorce team – lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, and other experts – will be advising you, Tamara will help you to synthesize this information, think strategically about the options you have with clarity and purpose, and get your divorce across the finish line. Visit tamaraharris.com for more information, or contact Tamara Harris to discuss becoming a client. All inquires will be held in confidence.